The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT)[1] currently is the most
sensitive low frequency radio telescope in operation. However, there are many
problems associated with low frequency radio observations(chap 2). Low ...
Keratin intermediate filaments are the key structural component of epithelia and
form cytoskeletal network. Till date, the molecular mechanism governing the keratin assembly are unknown. To get insight into keratin (and ...
An unsteady 3-D Panel method has been employed to study the aerodynamics of a finite span wing. The wing is unhinged and is pitching about the quarter chord line as it is moving in the forward direction. The panel method ...
An accelerated charged particle radiates according to the Classical Electrodynamics. In standard literature, the dynamics of an accelerated charged particle is described by introducing a `radiation reaction force' i.e. by ...
The contents of this thesis are basic notions in combinatorial topology and simplicial homology theory. Some existing techniques of how we can compute the homology groups are also presented. The results on classification ...
In this report we have studied the near field and the far field plasmonic prop-
erties of gold nanocylinders arranged linearly in a Fibonacci number chain
and compared the results with those arranged in a conventional ...
How does water behave when it is con ned to slits and pores of the order
of its own molecular size?? This question has been asked and debated for
decades. The present thesis is a body of work towards the development of ...
In Europe and North America, the most widely used stream cipher to ensure privacy and confidentiality of conversations in GSM mobile phones is the A5/1. In this thesis, we study the A5/1 and some known attacks on it. We ...
The physical properties and temperature susceptibility characteristics of bitumen
influence pavement performance at low and high field operating temperatures. It was
proven that addition of ...
Although the role of cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) in energy
metabolism is well established, recent studies have shown its involvement in processing
of anxiety. Diazepam is commonly used to treat ...
Aggressive behavior is important for animals for survival and reproduction as it helps in getting access to necessities like food and mates. Therefore aggressive behavior can be considered as an indicative of fitness of ...
The document describes an attempt to experimentally verify noise driven di-
rected transport. Symmetry broken systems will be tested for directed transport
in a thermal bath. Two di erent sized coupled polystyrene beads ...