Comparative studies on the performances of two cascade reaction based fluorescent H2S probes are reported. These probes were also designed to address the solubility issues of existing probes. The Reso-N3 probe favors the H2S mediated azide-to-amine reduction followed by a cyclization to release the resorufin fluorophore. Reso-Br undergoes a bromide-to-thiol nucleophilic substitution followed by a similar cyclization releasing the same fluorophore. Reso-N3 exhibited lower background fluorescence and better H2S sensing behavior in water compared to Reso-Br. Reso-Br underwent hydrolysis in aqueous buffer conditions (pH = 7.4) while, Reso-N3 was quite stable. Reso-N3 displayed high selectivity and sensitivity towards H2S. Live cell imaging of the species by the probe was also established.