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On Spectra of Graphs and Manifolds

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dc.contributor.advisor BHAGWAT, CHANDRASHEEL en_US FATIMA, AYESHA en_US 2019-04-26T05:27:37Z 2019-04-26T05:27:37Z 2019-01 en_US
dc.description.abstract One can define the notion of primitive length spectrum for a simple regular periodic graph via counting the orbits of closed reduced primitive cycles under an action of a discrete group of automorphisms. We prove that this primitive length spectrum satisfies an analogue of the `Multiplicity one' property. We show that if all but finitely many primitive cycles in two simple regular periodic graphs have equal lengths, then all the primitive cycles have equal lengths. This is a graph-theoretic analogue of a similar theorem in the context of geodesics on hyperbolic spaces. We also prove, in the context of actions of finitely generated abelian groups on a graph, that if the adjacency operators for two actions of such a group on a graph are similar, then corresponding periodic graphs are length isospectral. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Mathematics en_US
dc.title On Spectra of Graphs and Manifolds en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dc.publisher.department Dept. of Mathematics en_US Ph.D en_US
dc.contributor.department Dept. of Mathematics en_US
dc.contributor.registration 20133271 en_US

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  • PhD THESES [629]
    Thesis submitted to IISER Pune in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

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