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Survey of AlgorithMS for Different Matchings

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dc.contributor.advisor Mahajan, Meena en_US THATTE, MITALI en_US 2019-05-27T03:00:13Z 2019-05-27T03:00:13Z 2019-05 en_US
dc.description.abstract The main aim of this project is to survey some techniques used to develop algorithms to find di↵erent types of matchings. The three main papers that we survey are: 1. Bipartite Perfect Matching is in quasi-NC- Stephen A. Fenner, Rohit Gurjar, Thomas Thierauf. This paper gave a technique to derandomize the famous isolation lemma using (n6 log n) processors working in parallel to find a perfect matching in a bipartite Graph 2. The Matching Problem in General Graphs is in Quasi-NC- Ola Svensson, Jakub Tarnawski. This paper built on the tecniques of the previous paper to give a quasi-NC algorithm to find a perfect matching in General graphs. 3. Popular Matchings.- David J. Abraham, Robert W. Irving, Telikepalli Kavitha, Kurt Mehlhorn. This was one of the first papers to give a polynomial time algorithm to find popular matching in bipartite graphs where nodes in one partition have preferences regarding which node in the other partition to be matched to . en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject 2019
dc.subject Quasi-NC algorithMS en_US
dc.subject Perfect Matchings en_US
dc.subject Popular Matchings en_US
dc.title Survey of AlgorithMS for Different Matchings en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US BS-MS en_US
dc.contributor.department Dept. of Mathematics en_US
dc.contributor.registration 20141139 en_US

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  • MS THESES [1714]
    Thesis submitted to IISER Pune in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the BS-MS Dual Degree Programme/MSc. Programme/MS-Exit Programme

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