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Mixed covering arrays on 3-uniform hypergraphs

Show simple item record AKHTAR, YASMEEN en_US MAITY, SOUMEN en_US 2019-07-01T05:37:44Z 2019-07-01T05:37:44Z 2017-12 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Discrete Applied Mathematics, 232, 8-22. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0166-218X en_US
dc.identifier.uri en_US
dc.description.abstract Covering arrays are combinatorial objects that have been successfully applied in the design of test suites for testing systems such as software, circuits and networks, where failures can be caused by the interaction between their parameters. Let n and k be positive integers with k >= 3. Three vectors x is an element of Z(g1)(n), y is an element of Z(g2)(n), z is an element of Z(g3)(n) are 3-qualitatively independent if for any triple (a,b,c) is an element of Z(g1) x Z(g2) x Z(g3) there exists an index j is an element of {1, 2,..., n} such that (x(j), y(j), z(j)) = ( a, b, c). Let H be a 3-uniform hypergraph with k vertices v(1), v(2),. . . ,v(k) with respective vertex weights g(1), g(2),, g(k). A mixed covering array on H, denoted by CA (n, H, Pi(k)(i-1) g(i)), is a k x n array such that row i corresponds to vertex v(i), entries in row i are from Z(gi); and if {v(x), v(y), v(z)} is a hyperedge in H, then the rows x, y, z are 3-qualitatively independent. The parameter n is called the size of the array. Given a weighted 3-uniform hypergraph H, a mixed covering array on H with minimum size is called optimal. In this article, we introduce four basic hypergraph operations to construct optimal mixed covering arrays on hypergraphs. Using these operations, we provide constructions for optimal mixed covering arrays on the family of 2-tree hypergraphs, alpha-acyclic 3-uniform hypergraphs, conformal 3-uniform hypertrees having a binary tree as host tree, and 3-uniform loose cycle hypergraphs. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Elsevier B.V. en_US
dc.subject Mixed covering arrays en_US
dc.subject 3-uniform hypergraphs en_US
dc.subject Covering arrays en_US
dc.subject Hypergraph en_US
dc.subject Host graph en_US
dc.subject Mixed covering array en_US
dc.subject Software testing en_US
dc.subject 2017 en_US
dc.title Mixed covering arrays on 3-uniform hypergraphs en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.contributor.department Dept. of Mathematics en_US
dc.identifier.sourcetitle Discrete Applied Mathematics en_US
dc.publication.originofpublisher Foreign en_US

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