This thesis aims to study quantum transport in one-dimensional and quasi one-dimensional lattice systems. The first part deals with non-interacting fermions showing long-range power-law decaying hopping on an open ...
Characterization and control in quantum dynamics are paramount for the emerging field of quantum technologies. In the realm of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation or Von-Neumann equation governs quantum evolution. ...
X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is a way of dosage compensation that occurs in female eutherian mammals. There are two modes of XCI: Imprinted XCI where the paternal X is silenced predominantly, and random XCI where one ...
Helices are important secondary structural motifs within proteins, formed via hydrogen bonds between amino acid main chain atoms, playing pivotal roles in numerous physiological processes. Variations in the properties of ...
Nanotubes are a novel class of materials that show unique properties due to their one-dimensional backbone. Hydrogen-bonded organic nanotubes (HONTs) are among the most promising supramolecular nanotubes because of their ...
This thesis extends the formalism of first detection in quantum walks from the detection of a single state to the detection of a subspace within the quantum system. Using the insight of bright/dark state formalism, which ...
Unraveling the origin of unconventional superconductivity in cuprates has remained a long-standing enigma in the field of highly correlated systems since the discovery of high-temperature superconductors in 1986. The normal ...
Photocatalysis with plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) is emerging as an attractive strategy to make and break chemical bonds in a sustainable fashion. However, the fast relaxation dynamics of the photoexcited charge carriers ...
Bacteriophages have emerged as promising biological tools not only for combating infectious bacteria but also for facilitating the exploration of intra- and inter-protein interactions. However, conventional methods for ...
The circadian cycle is an approximately 24-hour cycle of physiological and biochemical processes in organisms. At a cellular level, the circadian clock comprises core clock genes showing oscillatory expression with a period ...
This dissertation investigates the application of Quantum Annealing (QA) to the detection of optimal arbitrage opportunities, comparing its e cacy against classical approaches such as Simulated Annealing (SA). Arbitrage, ...
This study investigates the morphological classifications of galaxies in the early universe by employing the capabilities of Morpheus, a deep learning framework, in conjunction with the UNCOVER and CANDELS datasets from ...
The world is witnessing an unprecedented level of pollutants in the oceans today. With this rise in pollution, there is an increase in concentrations of contaminants such as heavy metals and micro- plastics, which pose a ...
The thesis is entitled as “Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Tuning Electronic Properties in Planar and Large Porphyrinoids”. These larger porphyrinoids have a greater number of heterocyclic units and the meso ...
Plant response to herbivory has been extensively studied using folivore as a model system. Plants exhibit various defense strategies in response to folivore attacks to protect and prevent themselves from further attacks. ...
Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) is an emission phenomenon of paramount significance, owing to the fact that it renders access to the triplet excitons without the employment of heavy metals for enormous ...
Plants have a remarkable capacity for wound-healing and regeneration, which can be investigated easily in Arabidopsis thaliana. Regenerative responses in Arabidopsis are broadly categorized as tissue culture-induced, or ...
Integrin-mediated cell-matrix adhesion is known to regulate cell growth and survival, which is deregulated in transformed cancer cells that acquire the ability to grow without adhesion, becoming anchorage-independent. ...
Tellurene, a single layer of tellurium atoms arranged in a zig-zag chain structure, is a recent addition to the family of 2D materials. It has a trigonal crystal lattice with inherent structural anisotropy. Tellurene has ...
In this thesis, we estimate the average ground state energy of spin glass models. Despite decades of study, there have been no exact explicit calculations for a mean field model of spin glass with finite ranged interactions. ...