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  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M.S.; Srinivas, M.D. (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 2016)
  • Shylaja, B. S.; PAI, VENKETESWARA R. (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 2018)
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The ascensional difference (cara) and the prāṇakalāntara are to be applied to the [longitude of the] end of the desired zodiacal sign (rāśyanta) which is corrected for the movement of equinox (ayanacalana). The result thus ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    Let the heap of days (dharādinaugha), and the difference in the revolutions of the Moon and its apogee be mutually divided. Then, from these results, the guṇakāras and hārakas associated with the Moon’s anomaly (candra-kendra) ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The hypotenuse of the gnomon (palaśruti) is obtained by taking the square root of the sum of 144 (bhavaka) and the square of the mid-day shadow [of the gnomon] on the equinoctial day (viṣuvaddina).1 The mid-day shadow on ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    Based on a thorough examination of the position of the planets at the time of eclipses, planetary conjunctions, and so on, the revolution numbers etc. [of the planets] in a kalpa have to be conceived of for achieving ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The product of 200 (jñānīndra) and the [śakābda]-guṇakāras, beginning with dhana (9), has to be added to or subtracted from the product of the [śakābda]-hāras [of the planets], beginning with manda (85), and their respective ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    Here the author emphasizes the importance of actual observations of the celestial objects through the measurement of their shadows etc. in determining their longitudes and latitudes. In the case of the Sun, the measurements ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    May the diameter be multiplied by four, kept separately at several places, and divided by the odd numbers 3, 5, 7 etc. [The results] may be sequentially applied negatively and positively to the diameter multiplied by four. ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    May the guru, an embodiment of intelligence and bliss, keep ever rising in the space of my heart, like the Sun dispelling the darkness of ignorance.
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The above verse defines the mandakendrahārakas of the planets. It may be recalled that the mandakendra is the difference between the planet and its mandocca (apogee). The mandakendra-guṇakāras and the mandakendrahārakas ...
  • PAI, VENKETESWARA R.; Ramasubramanian, K.; Sriram, M. S.; Srinivas, M. D. (Springer Nature, 2018-03)
    The true epicycle Circumference in minutes (sphuṭavṛttakalās) of the Sun is 03 (gānam ) and that of the Moon is 07 (sthānam) always (in all the quadrants). The [dimensions of the] circumferences of the manda and the śīghra ...
  • SOHONI, PUSHKAR (2020)
  • Mathew, John; SOHONI, PUSHKAR (Oxford University Press, 2021)
    Bombay did not play the kind of administrative nodal role that first Madras and later Calcutta did in terms of overarching governance in the Indian subcontinent, occupying instead a pivotal position for the region’s commerce ...
  • SOHONI, PUSHKAR (Oxford University Press, 2021)
  • SOHONI, PUSHKAR (Brill, 2021)

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