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  • JOSHI, YASH J.; JAWALE, YASH K.; ATHALE, CHAITANYA A. (American Physical Society, 2020-01)
    Oscillatory gene circuits are ubiquitous to biology and are involved in fundamental processes of cell cycle, circadian rhythms, and developmental systems. The synthesis of small, non-natural oscillatory genetic circuits ...
  • JOSHI, YASH J.; Sauerwein, Nick; Youssefi, Amir; Uhrich, Philipp; Kippenberg, Tobias J. (AIP Publishing, 2021-03)
    Narrowband microwave filters have wide ranging applications, including the reduction in phase noise of microwave sources within a given frequency band. The prospect of developing an automated filter that tunes itself to ...
  • Youssefi, Amir; Shomroni, Itay; JOSHI, YASH J.; Bernier, Nathan R.; Lukashchuk, Anton; Uhrich, Philipp; Qiu, Liu; Kippenberg, Tobias J. (Springer Nature, 2021-05)
    A major challenge to the scalability of cryogenic computing platforms is the heat load associated with the growing number of electrical cable connections between the superconducting circuitry and the room-temperature ...

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