JOURNAL ARTICLES: Recent submissions

  • Busheri, Laleh; Dixit, Santosh; Patil, Ankita; Kushwaha, Roli; Kelkar, Devaki A.; SHASHIDHARA, L.S.; Kulkarni, Madhura et al. (Elsevier B.V., 2021-06)
    Background: A breast cancer biobank with retrospectively collected patient data and FFPE tissue samples was established in 2018 at Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, Pune, India. It runs a cancer care clinic with support from ...
  • BAGAL, VIRAJ; Aggarwal, Rishal; Vinod, P. K.; Priyakumar, U. Deva (American Chemical Society, 2021-10)
    Application of deep learning techniques for de novo generation of molecules, termed as inverse molecular design, has been gaining enormous traction in drug design. The representation of molecules in SMILES notation as a ...
  • Becher, Karim Johannes; GUPTA, PARUL (Elsevier B.V., 2021-10)
    For a field E of characteristic different from 2 and cohomological 2-dimension one, quadratic forms over the rational function field are studied. A characterisation in terms of polynomials in is obtained for having that ...
  • Gongopadhyay, Krishnendu; KALANE, SAGAR B. (Cambridge University Press, 2021-03)
    Let G(n)=Sp(n,1) or SU(n,1) . We classify conjugation orbits of generic pairs of loxodromic elements in G(n) . Such pairs, called ‘nonsingular’, were introduced by Gongopadhyay and Parsad for SU(3,1) . We extend this ...
  • RAGHURAM, A. (Cambridge University Press, 2021-09)
    The main aim of this article is to show that normalised standard intertwining operator between induced representations of p-adic groups, at a very specific point of evaluation, has an arithmetic origin. This result has ...
  • Tan, Kuan Pern; SINGH, KHUSHBOO; HAZRA, ANIRBAN; MADHUSUDHAN, M. S. (Elsevier B.V., 2021)
    An extensive database study of hydrogen bonds in different protein environments showed systematic variations in donor-acceptor-acceptor antecedent angle (Ĥ) and donor-acceptor distance. Protein environments were characterized ...
  • Kaur, Dilpreet; Sharma, Uday Bhaskar; SINGH, ANUPAM KUMAR (World Scientific Publishing, 2021-08)
    This paper concerns the enumeration of simultaneous conjugacy classes of k-tuples of commuting matrices in the upper triangular group Tn(Fq) and unitriangular group UTm(Fq) over the finite field Fq of odd characteristic. ...
  • CMS Collaboration; Sirunyan, A. M.; DUBE, SOURABH; KANSAL, B.; PANDEY, S.; RANE, A.; RASTOGI, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al. (IOP Publishing, 2021-07)
    The muon trigger system of the CMS experiment uses a combination of hardware and software to identify events containing a muon. During Run 2 (covering 2015–2018) the LHC achieved instantaneous luminosities as high as 2 × ...
  • GUPTA, PARUL; Becher, Karim Johannes (Elsevier B.V., 2021-06)
    The ruled residue theorem characterises residue field extensions for valuations on a rational function field. Under the assumption that the characteristic of the residue field is different from 2 this theorem is extended ...
  • Hoffmann, M.; Dey, K.; Werner, J.; BAG, R.; Kaiser, J.; Wadepohl, H.; Skourski, Y.; Abdel-Hafiez, S.; SINGH, SURJEET; Klingeler, R. (American Physical Society, 2021-07)
    High-quality single crystals of CoTiO 3 are grown and used to elucidate in detail structural and magnetostructural effects by means of high-resolution capacitance dilatometry studies in fields up to 15 T which are ...
  • SAHASRABUDDHE, ROHIT; Neuhäuser, Leonie; Lambiotte, Renaud (IOP Publishing, 2021-06)
    The basic interaction unit of many dynamical systems involves more than two nodes. In such situations where networks are not an appropriate modelling framework, it has recently become increasingly popular to turn to ...
  • Sengupta, Gautam; MALVIMAT, VINAY (American Physical Society, 2021-05)
    We establish the large central charge behavior of the entanglement negativity for a mixed state configuration of a single interval enclosed between two intervals in a holographic CFT 1+1. To this end we utilize the monodromy ...
  • LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; KAGRA Collaboration; Abbott, R.; RAPOL, UMAKANT D.; SOURADEEP, TARUN et al. (IOP Publishing, 2021-05)
    We report on the population of 47 compact binary mergers detected with a false-alarm rate of <$1\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ in the second LIGO–Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog. We observe several characteristics of the ...
  • Bajpai, Aman; Desai, Nakshi Nayan; PANDEY, SHALINI; Shukla, Chinmayee; Datta, Bhaskar; Basu, Sudipta (American Chemical Society, 2021-09)
    In recent years, antibiotics have emerged as alternative medicines in cancer therapy due to their capability of mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer cells. However, antibiotics render collateral damage in noncancerous cells ...
  • JAISWAL, SUKRIT; Chatterjee, Debarati (MDPI, 2021-06)
    In this paper, an investigation of the role of nuclear saturation parameters on f-mode oscillations in neutron stars is performed within the Cowling approximation. It is found that the uncertainty in the effective nucleon ...
  • Chowdhary, Sandeep; KUMAR, AANJANEYA; Cencetti, Giulia; Lacopini, Lacopo; Battiston, Federico (IOP Publishing, 2021-09)
    Complex networks represent the natural backbone to study epidemic processes in populations of interacting individuals. Such a modeling framework, however, is naturally limited to pairwise interactions, making it less ...
  • SINGH, VIVEK KUMAR; MISHRA, RAMA; Ramadevi, P. (Springer Nature, 2021-06)
    Weaving knots W(p, n) of type (p, n) denote an infinite family of hyperbolic knots which have not been addressed by the knot theorists as yet. Unlike the well known (p, n) torus knots, we do not have a closed-form expression ...
  • CMS Collaboration; Tumasyan, A.; ALPANA, K.; DUBE, SOURABH; KANSAL, B.; PANDEY, S.; RANE, A.; RASTOGI, A.; SHARMA, SEEMA et al. (Springer Nature, 2021-10)
    Double-parton scattering is investigated using events with a Z boson and jets. The Z boson is reconstructed using only the dimuon channel. The measurements are performed with proton-proton collision data recorded by the ...
  • REDKAR, CHAITRA (Sage, 2021-12)
  • Mungee, Mansi; Pandit, Rohan; ATHREYA, RAMANA (Cambridge University Press, 2021-11)
    Bergmann’s rule predicts a larger body size for endothermic organisms in colder environments. The contrasting results from previous studies may be due to the differences in taxonomic (intraspecific, interspecific and ...

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