RINURAGAVI, V. N.; Biswasharma, Rupraj; Pawar, Sunil D.(2025-01)
Precise determination of atmospheric conditions that initiate thunderstorms and lightning is essential to enhance prediction accuracy.
This study analyzed the Correlation of lightning activity with various indices like ...
RINURAGAVI, V. N.; Biswasharma, Rupraj; Umakanth, N.; Pawar, Sunil D.(2024-05)
Lightning is an electrical discharge influenced by various cloud microphysical processes like cloud droplet formation and ice crystal growth within a thundercloud. Microphysics Parameterisation (MP) schemes of the Weather ...
The percolation of conductance is an important phenomenon in water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsion systems. Though percolation in microemulsions has been studied in detail, the role of co-surfactant hydrophobicity and presence ...
Thunderstorms and Lightning need three essential ingredients for their occurrence: Instability, Adequate low-level moisture, and some lifting mechanism. Among all the three ingredients, Instability represented by the ...