Sigma acceptor type ligands are useful in transition metal catalysed Lewis acid catalysis.
Placing of such type of ligands around the transition metal may increase the Lewis acidity of
transition metals and interesting catalytic activity arises from it. This has been an active
research area and there is a handful of literature on such ligand type using Group 14 elements.
Herein, we have utilized the peri-framework to prepare such ligands. In this thesis we reported
the synthesis of novel germanium(IV) cationic compound [R2GeCl]+[GeCl3]
- using the
phosphine substituted acenaphthene 5Br,6P(iPr)2-Acenaphthene as precursor. Exploring the
chemistry of this novel germanium cationic compound, anion exchange reactions with
germanium cationic compound have been done. We reported the anion exchange reactions of
compound (1) [R2GeCl][GeCl3] to produce SbF6 bearing compound (2), [R2GeCl][SbF6] and
OTf bearing compound (3), [R2GeCl][OTf]. Reactions involving the chlorine abstraction from
germanium centre have also been carried out and successfully reported the synthesis of novel
germanium(IV) dicationic compound (4), [R2Ge][OTf]2. We have carried out the synthesis of
transition metal complexes using these ligands and reported the synthesis of gold complex (5)
of Ge monocationic compound.