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The role of mechanics in axonal stability and development

Show simple item record GHOSE, AURNAB en_US Pullarkat, Pramod en_US 2023-03-13T10:35:52Z 2023-03-13T10:35:52Z 2023-05 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 140, 22-34. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1084-9521 en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1096-3634 en_US
dc.identifier.uri en_US
dc.description.abstract Much of the focus of neuronal cell biology has been devoted to growth cone guidance, synaptogenesis, synaptic activity, plasticity, etc. The axonal shaft too has received much attention, mainly for its astounding ability to transmit action potentials and the transport of material over long distances. For these functions, the axonal cytoskeleton and membrane have been often assumed to play static structural roles. Recent experiments have changed this view by revealing an ultrastructure much richer in features than previously perceived and one that seems to be maintained at a dynamic steady state. The role of mechanics in this is only beginning to be broadly appreciated and appears to involve passive and active modes of coupling different biopolymer filaments, filament turnover dynamics and membrane biophysics. Axons, being unique cellular processes in terms of high aspect ratios and often extreme lengths, also exhibit unique passive mechanical properties that might have evolved to stabilize them under mechanical stress. In this review, we summarize the experiments that have exposed some of these features. It is our view that axonal mechanics deserves much more attention not only due to its significance in the development and maintenance of the nervous system but also due to the susceptibility of axons to injury and neurodegeneration. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Elsevier B.V. en_US
dc.subject Axon mechanics en_US
dc.subject Axonal cytoskeleton en_US
dc.subject Axonal membrane en_US
dc.subject Stretch response of axons en_US
dc.subject Traumatic brain injury en_US
dc.subject Cell mechanics en_US
dc.subject 2023-MAR-WEEK2 en_US
dc.subject TOC-MAR-2023 en_US
dc.subject 2023 en_US
dc.title The role of mechanics in axonal stability and development en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.contributor.department Dept. of Biology en_US
dc.identifier.sourcetitle Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology en_US
dc.publication.originofpublisher Foreign en_US

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