In this thesis, the sensitivity of searches for the MSM model in a 13 TeV and a 100 TeV
hadron-hadron collider, were compared. The MSM predicts heavy right-handed neutrinos
which mix with the SM neutrinos. This model was studied for the signal phase space of
MN . 16 GeV, for a multileptonic nal state. All the nal decays were forced to muons,
to get a signal topology of a prompt muon + a leptonic jet, comprised of muons lying close
to each other. Backgrounds were estimated for this nal state. The sensitivity reach of a
13 TeV collider for this signal phase space was found for a luminosity of 30 fb1 and 300
fb1. The sensitivity reach of a 100 TeV hadron collider for this signal phase space was
found for a luminosity of 300 fb1 and 3 ab1 . It was found to improve for the
TeV hadron-hadron collider as compared to the 13 TeV collider for 300 fb1 of luminosity
. It was observed to further improve for the 100 TeV hadron-hadron collider for 3 ab1 of