A fundamental manifestation of the nontrivial correlations of an incompressible fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state is that an electron added to it disintegrates into more elementary particles, namely fractionally-charged composite fermions (CFs). We show here that the Girvin-MacDonald-Platzman (GMP) density-wave excitation of the 𝜈=𝑛/(2𝑝𝑛±1) FQH states also splits into more elementary single CF excitons. In particular, the GMP graviton, which refers to the recently observed spin-2 neutral excitation in the vanishing wave vector limit [Liang et al., Nature 628, 78 (2024)], remains undivided for 𝜈 =𝑛/(2𝑛 ±1) but splits into two gravitons at 𝜈 =𝑛/(4𝑛 ±1) with 𝑛 >1. A detailed experimental confirmation of the many observable consequences of the splitting of the GMP mode should provide a unique window into the correlations underlying the FQH effect.