The eco-friendly lead-free Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 ferroelectrics were synthesized by substituting Ca2+ on the A site via the conventional solid-state sintering method. Ba0.8Sr0.2–xCaxTiO3 (x = 0, 0.06, 0.08) ceramics exhibit tetragonal phase formation, as determined from the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern. However, partial incorporation of Ca2+ at the Ti4+ site in BSCT08 was confirmed from XRD and supported by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. The optimum relaxor nature was observed in BSCT06 with a slimmer P–E loop (Pr = 5.25 μC/cm2). The recoverable energy storage density (Wrec) and electrostrictive coefficient (Q33) of BSCT06 were found to be 0.41 J/cm3 and 0.0223 m4/C2, respectively. The composition BSCT06 was combined with the PVDF polymer via solution casting to fabricate composite thin films for energy harvesting. Characteristic peaks of γ-PVDF with reflections corresponding to the BSCT06 phase were observed from XRD patterns. The composite films demonstrated improved mechanical flexibility through bending and twisting movements; also, the relative permittivity (ε) increased with the addition of the ceramic filler phase in the PVDF matrix. Enhanced breakdown strength (Eb) of 698 kV/cm was found in 10 wt % BSCT/PVDF as compared to BSCT06 ceramic. Wrec of 0.31 J/cm3 with efficiency of 48% was estimated, which strengthened its potential in energy storage applications. Moreover, ceramic-infused PVDF ferro-flexible film was used to fabricate a prototype piezoelectric energy harvester. The highest peak-to-peak voltage of ∼9.3 V and power density of ∼2.86 μW/cm2 were obtained for a device using 20 wt % BSCT/PVDF composite film by application of impact force of known value to show its potential in different energy harvesters and sensor applications.